Today was actually a pretty good writing day, even though I screwed around in the evening, and had errands to run all day. (Is "errands" spelled right? Blogger says it is but all of a sudden it looks totally wrong to me....)
Today's Progress: 1260 words split between In Flight and The Man Who Ran Away.
I notice that both of the sections I wrote today stop in mid-sentence. I don't usually do that, but I think it illustrates why I work on several things at once. There are times, even when I'm on a real roll, that my mind just stops. It's like the Muse says "enough of that" and I'm done. I find, however, that if I take a short break and jump to a different story, I can go on for at least another session.
Eating, Watching, Reading: I made bread today. Would have made yogurt, but I forgot to buy milk, and I need a whole quart to make the effort worth it. For dinner, mashed potatoes, steamed carrots and really yummy left-over ribeye steak from the freezer. (I forgot to give ANY to the cats. Must watch my back tonight.)
I've been watching too many mediocre b-movies lately. Fine for filling in movie history, but I just didn't want to watch any more for a while. So I watched an episode of Peter Gunn, and then spent an hour watching a movie-buff show on YouTube called "Tired Old Queen At The Movies" (sung to the tune of "Let's all go to the lobby").
Steve Hayes is a movie-buff's movie-buff. His show is a combination of movie review, film history, and squeeing like a fangirl. I find that if I have already seen the movie, his show gives a new appreciation of it. If I haven't seen it, his show leads me to some interesting choices. Sometimes it gives me a hook to appreciate a movie I have never been interested in. But it also helps me add to the list of movies I want to watch.
So tomorrow I will watch an interesting little British whodunnit he recommended: Green For Danger (1946, Individual Pictures) starring Alistair Sim. (Based on a book by Cristianna Brand, I believe.) Here' the TOQ review of Green for Danger. (I don't think it's int he public domain, but just now you can find it on You Tube: Green for Danger.)
You can follow Steve Hayes on Twitter too, at @SteveHayesTOQ.
In the meantime, I'm finishing up the audiobook of Lieberman's Folly, but I've decided to move away from the hard-boiled and suspense stuff and read Dorothy Sayer's Murder Must Advertise next.
See you in the funny papers.
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