Today I actually devoted some time to blogging.
I know I said I wasn't going to do any blogging, but right now I'm trying to write a book description for In Flight, and I decided that, instead of just soldiering on with what I know about it, and the standard advice for writing pitches and loglines, I would take a hard look at how I react to said pitches.
And I think I've discovered a thing or two, and I'm working hard to puzzle it out.
Blogging is a way of thinking. So I'm writing a long blog post that I will probably cut up into a couple chunks. I was going to post the first part today, but I decided to wait until it's done.
As a result, I wrote maybe 1500 words of blogging, and another couple hundred in fiction, mostly on The Man Who Ran Away.
Other than that, I mainly did some editing.
And I had a fine epiphany on how to bring in more information about Angela's real mother. I thought the grandmother would tell her, but that happens way too late. Same with the retired cop. Then I realized that Chef was already ahead of me. He's a chef, a meddler, a former teacher. Wouldn't he know somebody who knows somebody?
When I finally figured that out, Chef gave me a look, and told me that he has already tracked down a gossipy former student, and has invited her over for cocktails. I'm welcome to listen in and start writing the scene if I like.
Sigh. Characters!
In the meantime, I think I might enter the Write Club excerpt contest with the scene I was working on for The Man Who Ran Away.
See you in the funny papers.
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