I threw the coins on this nifty I Ching site, and asked it what I should work on next. It came back to me with Wei Chi: Tasks Yet To Be Completed! Whoa! It told me that I should cross the river like a man, and not like a young fox which gets its tail wet - which the site interpreted to mean that I should finsh what I've started and take my time and not rush to do too much.
The problem is that I've already started too much. But it still gives me an idea of what to put aside. For instance, I just got a nice rejection from Janet Hutchings at Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine, telling me that she likes my writing and wants to see more. At the moment, I don't have anything in the pipeline for her, so a part of me wants to drop everything and write a bunch of short mysteries.
Can't do that.
As a matter of fact, I have decided to skip the Story Sundays for the rest of June to help myself catch up. Then I'll probably do some excerpts from whatever I'm working on in the Dare for all of July, because....
From June 26 through August 6, the Dare Gets Serious!
This is the period of the Clarion fund-raising Write-A-Thon. I encourage you all to join in, as a sponsor or a writer (or both!) The money goes to pay scholarships for the Clarion participants. I'll talk more about this on Wednesday, when I go into my goals more fully.
Up until Wednesday, my goal is to get organized and set priorities.
This Week's Posting Schedule:
- Sunday and Monday: skipping the story and notes. Instead I'll post some links to interesting stories or news from this week. Also some sites with intersting idea generation capabilities. And maybe pictures and some haiku. (Did I mention I used to write a lot of haiku?)
- Tuesday: Creating a Cover: Gesture Drawings (Sketches)
- Wednesday: The Clarion Write-A-Thon and my goals for summer.
- Thursday: Another SEO article about how Google and Amazon do the heavy lifting for us on marketing.
- Friday: Another interview about a secondary character. I need to contact the authors to figure out who.
By that time I should have things more under control. (One thing I'm going to do for the duration of the Clarion Dare, though, is reserve Wednesdays for a second weekly update so I can keep focused on the dare.)
See you in the funny papers.
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