Don't laugh. I write this stuff for my own entertainment, and I can get utterly enthralled in my own writing, especially if I haven't read it lately.
Monday Day 8 - 1 Session, 45 minutes. I should have done more, I planned to do more, but I had a bunch of distractions. I did some great thinking on Starling and Marquette. I think it's for a book further down the line, though. It took me a while to change gears back to Mick and Casey.
Tuesday Day 9 - 2 Sessions, 40 minutes. Today was largely eaten up by dentistry and taxes. Also, making a vat of Chinese bbq pork for the freezer. Of the writing sessions, the first was largely Starling and Marquette, but I settled down to more on Mick and Casey before bed.
Taxes this year are slightly more complicated because I made more money, but I haven't tracked down all my deductions yet. (I forgot about a few of them. I have to go back and enter them, but that's easy in Turbotax, at least.) I may or may not be paying self-employment tax this year.
See you in the funny papers.
I love Turbotax. It has siplified my life immensely, especially since I started tracking everything in Quicken and I could just import it all to Turbotax.
I can get enthralled in my own work, too. I recently moved, and I'm finding a lot of my half-finished story ideas in random notebooks. I keep getting lost in notes and ideas. My SO thinks it's really funny... so I tease him relentlessly when he ends up doing the same.
Turbotax is love. Seriously. Their online system is so very, very easy.
Good luck with the rest of the week!
Ah to have that problem! Reporting writing income on my taxes that is! :) Sounds like you've done well. Keep it up!
Suzan, Dahnya:
Turbotax is "da bomb"! ... until it gets a bug. I wasted over an hour last night when it decided that I needed to deduct my car expenses (I don't even have a car) and furthermore, it would not let me access the page where you tell it whether you have a car or not. I finally found the tab where you go and look at the tax forms themselves, and was able to delete that page, and then it worked. (Still worried that it did something freaky to my taxes.)
Melanie: You're supposed to report writing income even if it's only a few bucks. I generally treat it as a "hobby" in that I only list deductions up to the amount I earned.
Last year I lost a lot of income when eHow ended it's writer's program, but my Amazon and Smashwords stuff started making up the difference. I also didn't have all the reciepts I ought to have.... so as a result I actually made enough profit to pay a small amount in self-employment tax.
But 2012, so far, is not going to be a stellar year.
I have to say that I love how you do your goals for the week, Camille. Actually sharing about what you are doing for each day. I think that is amazing. I might use that eventually. I like the idea of your dare too. I think that is what NaNoWriMo is on a global scale. But I never thought about trying anything like that among friends. Thanks for the idea. :D
I've been doing novel dares for many years -- and most of them actually require daily reporting.
I started this blog with the idea of daily reporting, but it evolved. I think the ROW80 concept is a great way to bring this back to a daily report, without having to actually bore everyone with 7 update posts a week.
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