Waiter, There's a Clue In My Soup! Five Short Mysteries, is a collection of previously published and award nominated mystery short stories for 99 cents. (eBook only - on Amazon, as well as on Smashwords. Soon to be available in the Apple iBooks store and other retailers.)
Descriptions of the stories:
In the title story, "Waiter, There's a Clue in My Soup!" two police detectives sort out a poisoning case over lunch at the deli, with a little help from a foodie in the corner. (This story was nominated for a Derringer award in 2003.)
"The Hoosegow Strangler" was the first story featuring Mick and Casey, a pair of young gunslingers turned detective. In this locked room story, a witness they were guarding is murdered, and they have to solve the crime to preserve their reputation.
"Trail of the Lonesome Stickpin" finds Mick drugged by a pair of pretty femmes fatales, and he has to figure out what happened before Casey shoots him. (This story was put forward for an Edgar by its publisher.)
In the fourth story, a killer believes that all he needs is a strong "Alibi" to pull off the perfect crime, but he finds that works against him.
In the final story, "The Promise," a teenaged girl has to keep her brutal father from turning her brother into a killer. (This story was also nominated for a Derringer in 2007.)
The the first three chapters of the first Mick and Casey novel, Have Gun, Will Play, are also included in this collection.
In the meantime, I think we just got past the worst of the pre-semester rush for the day job. I may be able to get back to a regular sleep schedule and even do some writing by this weekend. (Golly!)
I'm going there now to buy it. Will it be okay if I do a review of some of them in the future?
Reviews are always okay. (Just spell my name and the name of the book right so people can find it!)
Thanks for buying the book! Hope you enjoy it.
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