Saturday, April 30, 2011

Quick Note about May Dare

I realize that April is almost over -- so I should at least post some goals.

While I didn't do that much in terms of meeting the word count on the dare, I did write rough drafts of 7 stories. I only hit 8000 words out of 30,000 however. We'll see how much I add tomorrow.

For May, I'm just going to roll over the existing dare goals: 30,000 words for the month, on any project which suits me. The first two weeks will be awful because of the day job, but I should be able to make up for it in the latter part of the month.

For my goal of publishing something every month: I haven't decided on my May project yet. I suspect the story I would like to do won't quite be ready. However, I would like to get a paper copy of Have Gun, Will Play out. I have the interior laid out and uploaded. I just have to do the cover and proofs.

I also want to get some of the stories I wrote this month out to magazines.


  1. Seven stories sounds like a pretty nice bit of work!

  2. Love the idea of using dares as inspiration. I wish you luck.

  3. Li -- yes, but some of them were VERY short.

    Hektor -- so I dare you to get some writing done too.

  4. I appreciate the challenge. We'll see if I can live up to it.
