Monday, June 1, 2015

Update - Breaking for June

I thought I wrote an update post, but it is nowhere to be found.  It will undoubtedly show up after I rewrite it from scratch....

Pretty Little May

May turned into another month from hell.  And I am currently not feeling well.  I am late on the next podcast. (It's recorded, not fully edited, and I need to write and record the intro.  Simple stuff, except not.  Especially with a sore throat.)

This month did allow me to validate another part of the Xtreme Outlining experiment.

I mentioned, back when I started this that one of my secondary goals was to see if Xtreme Outlining would help deal with those times when life (voluntarily or involuntarily) derailed your attempts at writing.  That is, by using this method, could I more easily drop and pick up a story, seamlessly and quickly?

I can say that, for at least the shorter interruptions (say, a full week) it works like gangbusters.

It's really easy to get back into the story.  I had interruptions that were long enough to forget about the direction, the emotions, where the protag's mind was, etc.  A quick review of the outline, and maybe a pause to revise some work already done (which gets my mind back into the voice of the story) is all I need.

So, score one there.  This was my original purpose of the experiment.  All by itself, that's a win.

June, June, June

I have no particular goals for June. June will be jam packed with activity -- so I'm taking a vacation from the blog, and from most internet activity.  I'll keep on top of comments, and Twitter. 

I'm not taking a vacation from writing.  And while the podcast will go on a short break after the next episode, I will definitely be recording.  Art is going to be priority three, so I don't know if I will get to it, though I have visions of design in my head.

(EDITED TO ADD: one of the things I might record is a bit from the current story.  This is what I wanted to blog about -- how looking forward toward reading it aloud is a galvanizing part of the process now.)

So off I go.  I'll be back in July.

See you in the funny papers.

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