Tuesday, March 17, 2015

I've Been On Jury Duty

I intended to post relatively slowly this year -- maybe a couple times a month.  But as you see, I haven't posted in two months.  Oops.

First I had some problems with my audio production, and I had to scramble to catch back up again... and then, just as I was about to get going....

I got called to Jury Duty.

And I was seated on a major case.

And jury duty, while you're on it, is like Fight Club -- you can't talk about it.  Not to anyone.  Not even to other jurors. (Not until they lock you into that little room to duke it out.)

Also, jury duty is a very restrictive full time job. Not an onerous job, but certainly a serious one with heavy responsibility.  A job you can't unwind by talking about after a day's work.  I was surprised how how compressed I got even in a relatively short period of time.  I gained weight and got hooked on computer games again.

The good news is, I have a whole lot of interesting material for the blog.  The bad news is that I haven't completely caught up with all the balls I dropped at the start of this.

I have decided to slow my podcast to every other week until I get caught up with other things.  I have not only an interesting series of posts about jury duty, and maybe some creative non-fiction relating to the case, but I also am continuing with my Xtreme Outlining experiment, and I want to report to you on that.  Plus a number of miscellaneous blog posts...

And yes, I haven't forgotten that I promised my thoughts on what one can do to revive a flagging genre (even if the genre is really already recovering on its own) -- I've got a draft of that post. I just don't have my head in that place any more.  I have to get back into gear before I post that one.

See you in the funny papers.


  1. Welcome back! Glad you're okay. Did you pick up any interesting insights into the mystery genre while you were busy?

  2. Lee -- oh yeah. I'll be posting things about it over a period of time. It was a fascinating case.
