Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Wed ROW80 Update

This part of the week had gone somewhat better.  However, meeting a low goal shouldn't be listed under "better."  Still got tiring "stuff" going on.  I did manage to write and do some art too. With the writing, I was mostly pushing and shoving at the romance.

However, the feral cat who disappeared during the killer cold spell has returned. He is in good health and no hungrier than usual.  We think he does have someplace else to go for warmth, even if he does seem to prefer our chow.  Col. Scruffy appears to have used up more than nine lives, but he keeps chugging.

My A Round of words in 80 Days update:

The goals for the first quarter of 2014 are to write on the WIP for at least Four 10-minute writing sprints/bouts/sessions.  That makes for about 800-1200 words.  I should be doing at least twice that much, but I've got a lot of other things on my plate. (Aside from weather.)

Sunday, Day 7 - 4 sessions. I don't remember what.

Monday, Day 8 - 4 sessions. Plus two new covers at Self-Pub Book Covers.  The one you see here came to me in a flash as I sat down for the evening.  Good thing I had three of my sessions done for the day already.

Tuesday, Day 9 - 3 sessions.  I hope to do one more tonight, but I am so sleepy, I don't think it will happen.  Also, I did another cover, but I'm not putting it up yet, because it's a non-fiction cover, and I want to do more dramatic fiction covers first.

We should be getting some snow by morning.  Supposedly not more than a few inches.  I, however, am too sleepy to think about it.  (I suspect this might be one of those vestigal migraines.)

I currently have no idea whether I'll make the Friday Game Post or not. You guys should start a pool....

See you in the funny papers.

1 comment:

  1. Cool cover!

    Oh, I think I disagree. Meeting any goal, even a low one, is a reason to celebrate.
