Saturday, October 5, 2013

Return of the Baroness in November

For you fans of Plink: 

I'm going to restart The Case of the Misplaced Baroness sometime in November. It will be a once-a-week serial, rather than twice.  Not sure of other details yet.  As I will tell you in Sunday's Update post, it's a part of a new approach I'm taking to life and writing.

(I'm thinking that when I do the whole thing as an ebook, I might use the image at left as inspiration for the cover.  Maybe with the smoking man as the figure in the background....)

Oh, and on a related note: I finally got the previous story, The Case of the Misplaced Hero, redone and uploaded to Amazon, as well as an ePub only to Smashwords. It will take a couple of weeks for it to trickle through to other distributors and for other formats to appear at Smashwords. 

See you in the funny papers.

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