Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week in Review-Preview - Update

This week on the blog:

I had to put some things on hold, as my computer acted up (and my cat), I talked a little about the covers I was playing with, set my goals for November, and I got The Case of the Misplaced Hero finally polished and formatted and out into the universe.  I also talked a little about The Band Wagon, and the optimism of show business for Friday Favorites.

The delays were good for me, and I am now beginning to settle in, but not quite up to my goals yet -- more on that below.

In the meantime:

Coming Next Week on the Blog:

Monday - Episode 5 "The Ladies Expeditionary Force"
The ladies set out for Acton, and experience a little trouble at the border. 

Tuesday - Miss Leech 3
Inspector Stride has a theory about bodies which are difficult to access....

Wednesday - Writing the Online Novel - Walking, and Dancing, to the Story
"Walking to the story" is a common problem in pantser stories -- but what if the story is about the journey?

Thursday - Episode 6 "Mr. Sherman and Hingle"
Lady Ashton has an agent to assist her, and so does Mary.

Friday Favorites - Preston Sturgis and The Great McGinty
My favorite film by the great screwball comedy director Preston Sturgis, is a political comedy. You may be sick of politics, but it's hard to resist Brian Donlevy playing a likeable heavy.

Fulltime Writing Diary and ROW80 Progress

A Round of Words in 80 Days Update

This Segment's Progress:

Wednesday Day 31 - finished up and published Misplaced Hero
Thursday Day 32 - 136 minutes
Friday Day 33 - 138 minutes
Saturday Day 34 -92 minutes (but they were FRUITFUL minutes)

(See the other folks who updated progress today at the ROW80 linky)

Writing Full Time - Week 3 (or Week 1?)

I always feel like starting off this section of my Sunday update with "It's been a quiet week in Lake Woebegone...." (This is not helped by the fact that I often listen to the News From Lake Woebegone while I draw.)

But it's usually not an actual quiet week chez Camille. It's been pretty busy.  I have really settled in during this third week after the layoff, though I have not quite shifted into gear.

Or maybe I have.  I have been getting a lot done. All the niggling little things which you put off.  I would go nuts trying to track this and account for it, and that's part of why I decided not to count an 8-hour day for the dare goals.  I can fill the day just fine without the dare.  I need the dare to focus me on projects that need to get done.

And this week I have proven I needed it.  I have yet to actually hit the "3-hours on the WIP" target. I usually end up about 2.25 hours or so.  But it's getting better.  One of the reason it has been hard is becuase I've had a heck of a time getting back into the voice of the thing so I could rewrite some bits that don't work quite right.

In the meantime, among the many other things I did....

Cool Beans! A Mick and Casey Mini-Serial!

So, in going over the whole story, I discover that Test of Freedom splits up into fewer episodes than I thought. There are a couple which might split into two, but I don't think so. And that means that this will end at the beginning of March, rather than at the end.  Meanwhile the next summer serial, The Case of the Misplaced Baroness, really shouldn't start too early. I need to make sure it has time to start right.  So....

I looked at an old Mick and Casey short story, "A Fistful of Divas," and that looks like it might clock in nicely as a 6-8 episode serial of its own; just perfect to fit in the gap between ToF and Baroness.  It isn't finished, because I was thinking of expanding it into a novella... but I think it works at the length it's at, and it shouldn't need more than 1000 words.

Other than that, I've been doing blog posts and formatting and stuff like that.  A little prep work on other stories.  Some artwork, but not what I should be working on.  I also realize that I need to get back to laying out paper copies of both The Man Who Did Too Much and Wife of Freedom.

And finally something I haven't done, but want to do, is to make a little audio version of Episode 4 of The Case of the Misplaced Hero.  Or maybe Episode 5.  Thorny makes for fun scenes, and I think it would be a fun thing to do.  The problem is that I would probably want to upload it to YouTube as video, and I don't know what I want to do with visuals.  I really am not ambitious enough to do anything interesting.

See you in the funny papers.


  1. I know you're getting everything you want done but you are being productive at least. At some point you'll run out of other things to do and you'll be forced to sit down in that chair. ;) Good luck this week.

  2. I haven't had any computer problems, but I HAVE had cat problems.

    Congrats on publishing another book. It looks like you have a lot going on right now. Good luck for the rest of the week!

  3. Thanks, Ryan: it's just a matter of setting a priority on a big project, and to make sure you keep coming back to it day after day.

    Lauralynn: Cat problems are eternal!

  4. It can be difficult to get into the flow of things after a disruption like that. In the same place but a week ahead of you and mine is permanent. It sounds like you are finding a good rhythm and have a healthy attitude towards your direction. Bravo, Camille.

    Have an absolutely fantastic week. All the best :)
