Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wednesday Update - Tigers, Part Deux

This segment's progress:

Sunday Day 7 - I... don't remember what I did.  Whoops.  I think I did some art, and untangled some upcoming plot mess.
Monday Day 8 - Ep 20 - book version.
Tuesday Day 9 -Ep 21 - book version

I'm doing a sucky job of the rewrite.  Well, not so much that, as I'm not doing what I expected to do.  I expected to "let out the corset" on this, but now that I am into the compressed style of it, I don't feel the need to expand on what I've got. I just edit.  Maybe add a joke or other bit I cut, but mostly not.

Which may be okay, but...I feel like I'm missing an opportunity.

Well, on Monday night, I think I hit on what is wrong.  I need to write the longer, ebook version first.  Then compress for the blog.  Sure, when I compress, I find out great things about what is important in the scene -- but if that happens, it can become a guide to rewriting the long draft. 

Anyway, I'm going to try doing it that way for a while, and only go back to those early chapters after I'm done with these last ones.

Popcorn Tigers, Part Deux, or...

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Blog

When I came up with the new plan to throw over everything and concentrate on this serial for a while, I didn't think about the subtext.

All of a sudden, my blog is no longer a distraction from my writing!

All you writers out there, I want you to stop and think about that.

I'm no longer taking time away from my writing to deal with my blog.  My blog now is my writing -- the center piece of it.  No guilt. No feeling of being split in a thousand different directions.  Yes, it's work.  There are also no excuses. Writing is like a job now. I gotta show up every day.

As a result... I will be going back to blogging six days a week in the fall.  (Not sure of exact date: I'll probably trickle material back in over summer.)

Here's what I'm thinking of as a blogging schedule:

  • Monday: Story Episode
  • Tuesday: Cartoon (possibly alternating with other art, jokes, flash fiction or "Story Notes" posts)
  • Wednesday: Thinky Writery Stuff (with quick ROW80 Update at bottom).
  • Thursday: Story Episode
  • Friday: Friday Favorites -- essays about favorite books, movies and such
  • Saturday: (off)
  • Sunday: "What's Up on the Blog This Week?" (i.e. coming attractions -- what I used to call "review/preview" -- and the main ROW80 update.)

This is probably insane of me, to even think of blogging six days a week, with illustrations and fiction no less!  And at a time when the workload at school is likely to get tough. We had some faculty retirements in a sister-program, and one of my coworkers will probably be called on to pick up the slack there, and so I will probably need to take up some slack for him.

However, I have blogged every single day before, and done my writing challenges too.  It was a major struggle, but it was two separate tasks. With the merging of two tasks into one, it should be doable.  Maybe more doable than before.

In the meantime....

See you in the funny papers.


  1. Camille,

    I look forward to your fall schedule of blog posts, as a reader; as a writer, thank you for pointing out how to perhaps close the gap between writing and one's blog. Your explanation really makes sense, and while I do not see myself as blogging six days a week, I would like to blog twice a week beyond the ROW updates. As always, much to consider here.


  2. Thanks Karen!

    My solution will only work for a minority of fiction writers, I'm afraid.

    It means ditching your other writing and writing only for the blog -- that's fine for non-fiction writers, and for people interested in writing a serial or other web fiction.

    IMHO, the solution for people who want to primarily write books is to cut back on the blog.
