Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ROW80 Update

ROW Update -- today turned into a bit of an emergency, so I don't feel like to writing too much in addition to my update posts: To be honest, Monday was the biggest struggle day, but I fought the demon and won.

I am finding that with proper preparation, I am now writing about 1000 words in an hour, which is better than before. This is good, because I really do need to do two things: I need to kick my productivity up a notch, and I right now I do need my downtime. So more words per hour is not a bad thing.

Sunday Day 28 - 45 Minutes. It should have been more, but I got busy, and then distracted. But I also got more brainstorming in on that idea for the ending of the book. I now know the setting and the mechanics of the clues, and also how Mick will figure it out. (I prefer to have Mick do the explaining, and not the villain. Especially when it makes no sense for the villain to reveal the plot, even if it might appeal to the villain's sense of drama.) I think I have nothing scheduled for two days, which means the brainstorming is good.

Monday Day 29 - 124 minutes. That gave me about 2000 words. That was with a lot of prep work, but it was also with quite a bit of "stop and go" poking around with where the scene might be going. So I think that was pretty good output, even though it was pretty raw.

Tuesday Day 30 - 83 minutes. I had emergencies swirling around so I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, but I'm continuing to knit together the ending. I think that will help a lot with the middle.

Anyway, very tired. I'll see you on Friday with a review of one of Georgette Heyer's mysteries. Heyer didn't just write Regency romances, she was also a secondary player in the old-fashioned manor house mystery.

See you in the funny papers.


  1. I hope everything is okay around the emergency. But even with that, you have a pretty productive week. Good job :)

  2. Thanks Ryan. We've got our fingers crossed on some stuff yet. (Today is going to be a very very very long day.)

  3. Hope everything went well (presuming my comment is a little late for your big day). Excellent progress on your writing work despite it all. I need a kick in my seat towards productivity also.

  4. It sounds like great forward progress even amongst everything going on. Hope everything is well around the emergency. Sending positive thoughts.

  5. That's quite a lot of words even on your slower days. Excellent! I hope the emergency stuff settles down and comes out as well as it can. Give yourself that downtime you need, too. Take care!

  6. I'm with Kim. Sounds like a lot of days even for a slow day! Hope everything worked out with your emergency.

  7. Hope your emergency issues are done. I like that you put minutes and corresponding words. Question... do you count prep time in your minutes or just writing time? What do you find is the key to feeling prepared?

    I only ask because I spend too much time during my set aside writnig time taking notes and getting back into the story.

  8. Thanks, all.

    Some of the minor emergencies are dealt with. One was a friend's veterinary health emergency, and we're still waiting on some results for that.
