Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Book Sale!

Just to let you know -- my Thanksgiving Sale has begun:

I've put two of my novels on sale for 99 cents at Amazon until December 7. (And for those who use other formats, or just don't like Amazon, here are the coupon codes for 85 percent off at Smashwords.)

Have Gun, Will Play
Smashwords: EQ44H (Note: you MUST have the code to get the discount)

The Adventure of Anna The Great
Smashwords: XJ33W (Note: you MUST have the code to get the discount)

But wait, there's more!

Waiter, There's a Clue In My Soup! Five Short Mysteries is currently free at all vendors except Amazon. Amazon usually matches a low or free price, but they just haven't gotten around to it yet. You can wait around for it, or you can get it now for free at Smashwords, the B&N Nook Store, and other e-retailers. If you like, you can "report a lower price" on its paget at the Amazon Kindle Store.
* * *

This is a last chance to get a cheap price on the novels for a while. I'm going to run an experiment in charging a price closer to the big publishers for a few months. So sometime after midnight December 7, I will be raising the price on these to $6.99.

This sale is also an experiment: I am promoting it only in a couple of limited ways. This post, and perhaps some other mentions here. A couple of announcements on Twitter. And a few ads on Project Wonderful sites where I have advertised before. I am not making a special banner, nor have I contacted any cheap book sites to get it listed.

I had been hoping to use this as a launch promotion for The Man Who Did Too Much, but the timing just won't come out right. Still, new readers from this sale should trickle over to that book eventually.

See you in the funny papers.

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