Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Quick Update - I've got a Kindle!

I will be posting the first of my story notes on yesterday's stories in a short while. (I realized I have a lot to say about those short short short stories -- more than the stories themselves say - so I will post it in several parts.)

But I had to pause to give an update: a friend bought me a Kindle. In many ways I still prefer my iPod Touch. The navigation and small size in particular are very convenient -- but I am having a very good time reading Doan and Carstairs mystery novellas (1940's pulp noir with a light touch, lots o' fun) on the Kindle tonight. I'll have a review of the Kindle and of the series as soon as I've read a few of the novellas.

I'm a little behind on getting my next collection up on Kindle as a result. And on my taxes. I hope, however, to get the short story collection finished and posted tomorrow or the next day.

In the meantime, I have unpublished "The Enchanted Tree" so it can be revamped into different collections. The two grown-up fantasy stories in that collection will be in the new Bellhound collection. I'll re-publish the Enchanted Tree as a small children's story collection a little later. (Those who have bought it should still be able to download it at will from various ebook outlets -- they keep them in archive. It will also take a while to clear from the shelves of some of the smaller outlets. That's one of the reasons why I am waiting on republishing the main collection.)

AND I still have to revamp my dare goals, given all my great ideas and the pile of stories I need to get out and published.

Now, on to Hemingway, and why I don't think what some people call his "masterpiece" is really so hot.

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