Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler

(That's "Let the good times roll," for the French impaired among you.)

We will be heading down to Zingerman's for Mardi Gras. They are offering paczis for the first time -- and only on Fat Tuesday. Paczis (pronounced poonch-keys) are a kind of Polish jelly donut. I am not fond of fruit pastries, but they are offering some cream varieties, so I pre-ordered those.

So yes, much of my day will be taken up with travel to another town to get some donuts. (And some goat cheese and a pastrami sandwich.) You know, it's important.

I had a whole bunch of stuff I meant to get done today. I think the only one I actually accomplished was I installed Turbo Tax and let it update itself and grab information from last year. (This is why I like Turbo Tax -- it fills in everything repetitive for me. I only need to check it for accuracy.)

I did write some on The Man Who Did Too Much. (And I think I have the right energy for the revamping of a key scene. It allows me to restore some other scenes to locations where they work best.) This was not on my to do list, but I'll take it.

One of the things I intended to do today was reset my Dare Goals. I have changed a few working methods, and made some subtle changes in my overall goals. But I haven't figured out how that all works in both my day to day working and in how I update the blog here. I think I'm going to use that counter in the sidebar for the work-in-progress only. I am doing multiple projects, and for the past month or so I was trying to count anything I worked on, but that's just too much math. I end up not updating it at all. The whole point of a "novel dare" is to track things to keep yourself honest, and it's not good if tracking things is too much work.

So while I'm going to track the word count per day, I'm not going to try to total it up on anything but the novel itself (and then I can look in the Word word count for that). If I do that, I also don't have to worry about anti-words. (You know, editing.)

But I haven't had a chance to think about the logistics of that yet. I've got a million ideas in my head, and they all want to come out at once. And I'm still recovering from the last two weeks. I want to give you some movie reviews and tell you some stuff about Ellery Queen too. I'll get to it all eventually.

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