Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 3 Update - So Far So Good

Today's Progress: 1782 Words
Running Total: 5213 Words - to complete Chapter 3

5213 / 60000 words. 9% done!

I just saw The Magnificent Seven in a real theater last week. Vin, the character played by Steve McQueen, makes the following comment somewhere around mid-movie:

"Reminds me of that fellow back home that fell off a ten story building. As he was falling, people on each floor kept hearing him say 'So far so far so good.'"

That more or less describes my feeling about the first week of the semester. I got through my long Wednesday without major disasters. So far so good. And that's how the dare is going too. Since I'm mostly transcribing old scribbles and notes, it has been easy. So far. (so good.)

Sometimes you've just got to close your eyes and keep going. (Or as my hero Toby Peters puts it... sometimes you just have to look reality in the face and deny it.)

But Thursday is my day off. I have to decide if I want to go see His Gal Friday in the theater or not. I think I had better write. Yes, I'd really like to see it on the big screen, but it isn't the kind of movie you HAVE to see on the big screen.

In the meantime, I have a guest post at T.L. Haddix' blog -- I believe it's scheduled for sometime Thursday. (If it's not there yet, check back!) I'll be talking about the process of adapting a screenplay to a novella for Harsh Climate. I mention Steve McQueen there too.

(And a reminder, I am currently having a Smashwords sale on Harsh Climate and The Enchanted Tree. They are FREE until midnight Thursday night. I'm having a bit of trouble coordinating the schedule, so they'll probably go on sale again, but I can't say when at the moment.)

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