Saturday, January 22, 2011

Changes In The Blog - A Schedule!

I want to make this blog better AND I want it to take up less of my creative time. What am I to do?

Well, for one thing: a schedule. And along with it a better organization of my time. I have decided that Saturdays are going to be thinking days. I'm not going to do a dare update on Saturday nights, since I post the Sample Sunday stories on that night anyway. (However, I will continue the word count updates at the top of every other post. This is probably bad for SEO, but it is the point of the blog.)

I generally post at or after midnight, so the post will go up the night before the day in question:

Sunday: post a story or excerpt for the Twitter "Sample Sunday." I really enjoy doing this, and I expect to enjoy it even more now that I've realized what I want to post on Sunday nights.

Monday: An "about the story" post giving more info about the previous day's story. This will be fun for all stories, but it will be especially fun, I think, if I post "not ready for prime time" stories and talk about what's right and wrong with them, and other "thoery" type post. (And it will be even more fun if you guys comment.)

Tuesday - Friday: My usual schtick -- commentary or theory. I will probably be doing even more "series" posting due to this, since I'll probably be planning some of this out on Saturdays.

Saturdays: An Assignment or Exercise based on some of the blather of the week.

Of course, I will still sometimes, when I'm all heated up, post an extra post now and then.

Tonight I'll be posting a flawed (but I think fun) flash fiction story, which I'll discuss the next day.

See ya in the funny papers!

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