Wednesday, October 13, 2010

More Artwork - And Pinnochio as Women's Fiction?

Okay, I finished the 12 hour nightmare day. I also learned that I don't have to be in all day tomorrow - just a couple of hours. Whoo hoooo! (Unfortunately, I also have to be there on friday.) Sleeping situation is still shaky, but not as bad....

So today I just finished up a new cover for The Wife Of Freedom. I went for a simpler design, and in the end, I think it works. I originally thought I'd use a period cameo for inspiration, but it came out looking more like a statue... and with the application of a color filter, a bronze relief, or a gold coin.

Which really suits the theme of the story. Mary is a person who struggles to break out from being a symbol. She's like a statue who breaks loose to become a real woman. (And not like Galatea - who only became real because someone loved her. She is real inside, and she has to fall from grace and then fight her way to being real. She's like... Pinnochio! (This amused me as I realized that the story of Pinnochio actually fits an awful lot of "Women's Fiction" out there.)

So here are the two designs I have in use right now - the bronze one at Amazon for Kindle, the one on a black background at Smashwords (and eventually elsewhere). I think I may go through one more version before I put out a paper version of this. Perhaps with a motif representing a Liberty coin.

If you have a preference among the two, let me know!

I also did a much better version of my The Man Who Did Too Much cover - but I'll post that later, when it's closer to publication time.

See you tomorrow with some real writing progress, right?


  1. I don't really like the emboss on the titles. I think it would be better to go without. That said, I prefer the second. The first seems to monochrome. Congratulations on publishing the book by the way! :D

  2. Thanks for the feedback.

    As you might see in my sidebar, I went with blue instead. It has more contrast than the bronze, and less than the black. As for the bevel - I'm going for a coin look.

    I may do one more generation of this, with a ghostly rim of a coin around her - but that's for another day.
