Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Crit Dare Day 5 - Stuck Inside of Row K With The Can't See Blues Again

I did three crits today to finish up what I have of this book. She keeps telling me that there are only 30 some pages left, but I haven't seen them yet. As we are now at the suspenseful denouement, I am waiting rather anxiously.

I didn't write any more today, nor did I write a splendid blog post for here. I had a couple of topics in mind, partly inspired by the fact that we were going to see Dylan tonight - but the concert turned out to be a disaster, as everyone in the first few rows decided to stand throughout the entire concert (and this was not a stadium or hall - this was a small old-fashioned theater) entirely blocking the view of the row of handicappers and companions behind them - and a good portion of the audience behind them.

The management got tons of complaints from all over throughout the entire concert, but they didn't care. They wouldn't even approach audience members to ask. Dylan's roadies were hostile to the handicapper issue, too, and appeared to block the ushers from doing anything anyway. (However, they had no problem ordering the ushers to go into the same part of the crowd to enforce the no-camera rules.) Even when audience members tried to get the others to sit down, the guys in front were rude enough to tell handicappers to their face that they weren't going to sit down period.

So instead of being a great concert it turned out like being stuck at a really bad party - you know, a bunch of obnoxious people crowded shoulder to shoulder in the dark while the excellent sound system plays loudly enough so nobody can talk. (Except everyone is shouting and trying to be heard by the ushers and roadies all through the thing.)

Not happy.

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