Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sept Dare Day 10 - Writing Progress

I didn't do a think-post for you today. I concentrated on writing. I realized I've been slacking a little, and if I'm to get this book done by the end of the month, I'd better hit it.

I rewrote chapters 9 through 11. I reviewed chapter 12, and may split it in two. (Chapter 13 is one of the missing chapters I have to work on, so I suppose I'll figure out where to split it when I've actually written it.)

I've also started doing scenes from the next book or possibly the book after that.

This is one of the reasons I'm holding back on writing some of the sequels I should be working on. I wrote the earlier books a while ago, and I didn't take advantage of the momentum to write more. I did as I was told by publishing gurus and moved on to other series, so I'd have more 'first books'. I was going to take the time to get that momentum back, when I realized that I HAVE momentum on this series. I shouldn't lose this one too. So the other books will have to wait until I need a break from this series.

The other thing I did was fool around with doing a cover for this book. I came up with a great simple cover... but it's great for a generic mystery/action/thriller. It doesn't really indicate "cozy" or "humor" at all. But it will be a long time before I publish this one, so I have time.


  1. That's a challenge...writing lots of first books. Series are so much easier to write!

  2. It sounds as though you've really been picking up your pace - that's terrific. I wish you much success with the book you're working on. I agree with you, too, that it's important to keep the momentum when we have it.
