Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Polishing Today

It was a long day at the Day Job, and I also had a silent migraine. (My migraines tend not to be painful, but I am stupid as all get out when I've got one.)

I did, however, get some reading and polishing done. I think I might have the short story collection ready to put up on Kindle tomorrow. I'm reading through and doing a last set of edits. It's five mystery stories that have been published, and I realize that three of the five were nominated for awards. (Two reached the finals for the Derringer. One didn't get far, but it was chosen for nomination for an Edgar by the magazine where it was published, Futures Mysterious Anthology, which was a prolific magazine, so I feel honored that they chose my story. Especially because it's one of my favorites.)

I hope I someday have more time for short fiction too.

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