Friday, August 27, 2010

Hit the #4 Best Seller Spot!

Okay, so it was just the #4 best selling "mystery anthology" on Amazon, and I only hit it for an hour. But I am happy to say that "Waiter, There's a Clue In My Soup! Five Short Mysteries" has been consistently somewhere on that list for the past few weeks, and it has made it into the top ten pretty often. (Non-Kindle users can get it on Smashwords in other formats.)

I also got a spiffy review for Have Gun, Will Play, at The Journal of Always. He said he really wanted to give it a four-star rating, but just couldn't come up with a reason not to give it five-stars. He also spent a lot of time talking about the characters, which is something I always like to hear from a reader.

In the meantime, I've been having a kind of blogging vacation. I've also been taking a vacation from serious writing, but that doesn't mean I haven't been writing. I'll probably write about that later, but just now, I'm getting ready to dive into the Fall Dare. (Didn't I already do that? I guess the tide went out.)

With the help of my critique group, I hope to make an extra effort to finish the W.I.P. and then get on to A Fistful of Divas without distraction.

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