Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wipe Out

Heat, allergies, and quite possibly a bug have conspired to put me under the weather. I should know that summer is always an awful time for me.

But it is a good time for reading and critiquing, and gathering ideas. So that's what I've been doing. I came up with a corker of a basic twisty mystery idea today. It might be suitable for A Fistful of Divas, or I might need to save it for something else. I think I've also got a cover concept for the mystery short story collection, but I'm too tired to think about that.

I'll get back to intelligent posting tomorrow. I have some very interesting stuff coming up for you all soon, I think.


  1. I hope you feel better soon! And I'm glad you've gotten inspired with a new idea; I always find I get "charged up" when I've got a new writing idea to try.

  2. Hope you feel better sooon - allergies are not a lot of fun in the summer.

    New ideas are such fun - good luck with it :)

  3. Feel better! And I really hope your twisty idea finds a perfect home!

  4. I definitely feel better, but summer is just not my season. It's unfortunate, because I work at a college, and I have time off... but the weather and all that dooms me to a near catatonic state much of the time.

