Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Times They Are A-Changin'

Just saw some news of a kerfuffle that has broken out between NY agent Andrew Wylie and Random House. Random House is one of the publishers trying to make a "rights grab" by claiming retroactive ebook rights. Wylie has announced he and his clients are going to take their backlists direct to Amazon. Law suits are expected to ensue.

I have been expecting this to happen - bigger and bigger names jumping ship from publishers who are too slow to get the nature of the new world order. But I did not expect it to happen this fast.

(And Konrath has just posted his take on the Wiley/Random House Situation.)

We live in interesting times. I think it's time to fasten our safety belts. It is the start of a bumpy night.


  1. Ve-r-y interesting! As you say, publishers do need to be aware of what's happening in today's world...

  2. The UKs Guardian newspaper is declaring this the end of publishing as we know it.

    I suppose book publishers should have been paying attention to what was happening to newspapers, but denial is strong.

    And frankly, although I've been predicting that this would happen, I never thought it would be happening so fast.
