Friday, June 11, 2010

eBook Experiment update - Best Seller and Best Rated!

Due to the fact that I got another good review, and people are still using the coupons from the Twitter promotion, The Wife of Freedom made it to best seller and best rated "women's fiction" on Smashwords. Two very small heaps, but hey, it's at the top and I'll take it.

Sales are begining to be more regular. Still only about one sale a day for Kindle (not including the coupon sales on Smashwords). A few people write to me to tell me they really liked The Adventure of Anna the Great, but still no reviews.

I've begun to set up the foundations of a marketing push. I set up an author page on Goodreads, and I've been interacting some on Amazon's Kindle boards.

Progress update on the Outlines later tonight. (If I don't heat stress first. I wonder if there is enough ice cream for a milk shake?)

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