Thursday, June 3, 2010

Day 26 - 4475 Words - Zipping Through Easy Stuff

There is stuff I should work on and fill in here, but I decided that I just want to get through it so I can concentrate on the next bit. Still only about four days to go, and only three quarters done. That's not good enough. But I'm tired and I'm going to take whatever success I get. I haven't got a read deadline, so I can take my time as necessary.

I also spent a little time on the Daring Adventure Stories blog. I have the first chapter up. I used Blogger's scheduled posting feature, which is going to be great for this. I can do batches of chapters at once, and not worry about when I'm out of town or away from my computer. I'm still sorting out how I'll handle layout and links, but that's partly why I'm doing this story right now -- to get the hang of it for later books. I have a Mick and Casey ghost story that I might post as a four chapter serial in October.

Running Total: 55722 Words.

55722 / 75000 words. 74% done!

In Today's Pages: This is definitely the long dark night of the soul.


  1. Sounds like you're making progress!

    I had a very good writing day Tuesday, but yesterday wasn't so great. Trying to make up for it today. :)

  2. My yesterday was only good in numbers - I really didn't write anything, just entered it into the manuscript.

    Today is a full day of work. Let's see if that makes things better or worse. (Oddly, I think it might actually give me a mental break so that I can come back to it tonight a little fresher.)
