Sunday, March 14, 2010

Day 55 - 2095 Words THE END (of the dare, anyway)

I still have a lot of clean up to do, but I think it's time to stick a fork in this dare. I filled the manuscript with notes. I'll be getting back to it officially in May, but I may take it up before then in small spurts. (In particular I may pick out a weekend or so for each of the three sections that need some work to do exploratory writing and brainstorming.)

Tomorrow I will unveil my next Dare, which has changed a bit in the past month. I will be doing a Kindle Publishing Experiment Dare.

Over the next five days I'll be posting my ponderings about the nature and goals and tasks, and on Friday, I'll post the official time line for the dare (which I expect to last about a month).

Running Total: 60204 Words.

60204 / 70000 words. 86% done!

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